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Audiology Clinic

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At the UCSF Audiology Clinic在美国,我们治疗所有年龄段的人的听力损失和相关的听觉问题. 该诊所与各种专家密切合作,为任何程度的听力损失或沟通障碍患者提供最先进的诊断和平衡测试.

我们有助听器和辅助听力设备的全套配药服务, 我们还提供听力损失康复服务, dizziness and balance problems, 耳鸣和听觉亢进(对声音极度敏感).

For children's services, see Pediatric Audiology.

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Our services include:

  • Assistive listening device dispensing
  • 听觉诱发电位(ABR、堆叠ABR、AMLR、ALR、ASSR、耳蜗电图)
  • Audiologic rehabilitation, including LACE(听力和沟通增强)计划 and rehabilitative classes
  • Comprehensive hearing testing
  • 耳塞及游泳模具点胶定制产品,包括音乐人耳塞
  • Facial nerve function monitoring
  • 助听器咨询和评估
  • Hearing aid dispensing
  • 助听器电声分析及真耳探头-麦克风测试
  • Hearing screening
  • Medical-legal audiologic evaluation
  • Middle ear function assessment
  • Otoacoustic emissions testing
  • Pediatric audiology (all ages)
  • Hyperacusis and tinnitus 评估、咨询和康复
  • 前庭评估和康复(ENG, VNG, VEMPs,旋转椅,管槽复位)

Doctor referral required

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    Patient education

    Active Listening Strategies

    Experiencing hearing loss? 这些积极的倾听策略会加强你的沟通,创造一个比助听器更积极的环境.

    Assistive Listening Devices


    Balance Assessment Instructions

    某些物质会影响身体对平衡评估测试的反应, reducing their validity. 阅读这些说明以确保测试效果.

    Cell Phones and Hearing Aids

    无细胞DNA筛查是一项检测,可以确定女性是否更有可能生下患有唐氏综合症的胎儿. Learn more and find FAQs here.


    成功的沟通需要对话中所有人的努力. 在这里找到更好地与听力损失者沟通的策略.

    Hearing Enhancement Devices

    有许多设备可以在各种环境下帮助听力,包括, television listening systems, conference microphones and more.


    由噪音或音乐引起的听力损失可能是暂时的,也可能是永久性的. 它是暴露于信号的强度和时间的函数. Learn more.

    Rotary Chair Testing

    旋转椅测试通常与其他平衡测试一起订购, 评估你的眼睛与内耳结构和大脑区域的相互作用.

    Signaling and Text Display Systems

    听力损失的人可以从信号和替代系统中受益, 将声音或按键转换为另一种模式. Learn more.

    Support services

    Patient Resource

    Case Management & Social Work

    与一个可以帮助你找到资源的团队联系, 在UCSF治疗期间为您解决问题并为您提供支持.



    这个为期八周的课程教授正念练习,可以减轻压力,改善你的整体健康, such as meditation and body awareness.

    Patient Resource

    Patient Relations

    我们十大赌博靠谱网络平台您对您在加州大学旧金山分校健康中心的体验进行反馈. 了解如何与我们联系,提出意见、问题或疑虑.

    Patient Resource

    Spiritual Care Services

    代表多种信仰的牧师可以24小时提供支持, comfort and counsel to patients, families and caregivers.

    Special programs




    许多经历听力损失的人求助于助听器. 有时,仅靠助听器是不够的. Learn more about the program here.

    Tinnitus Patient Management Program

    耳鸣患者管理程序提供了一个全面的方法来治疗耳鸣, 耳鸣以耳鸣或耳鸣为特征的一种状况.

    Preparing for your appointment

    What to Bring

    • Photo I.D.
    • Health insurance card
    • Insurance authorization, if required
    • Doctor's referral, if required
    • 最近的检查结果与你的病情有关
    • 你的药物清单,包括剂量,还有你过敏的药物
    • List of questions you may have
    • Device or paper for taking notes

    International Services

    如果你住在美国以外,来加州大学旧金山分校接受治疗, 我们的病人联络人可以帮助协调您就诊的各个方面.

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    Interpreting Services

    加州大学旧金山分校提供多种语言的口译员, 包括美国手语, as well as services for deaf, 听力障碍和视力受损患者.

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    Hospital Stays


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    Your Doctor Visit


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    Related clinics

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    San Francisco, CA 94115

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    San Francisco, CA 94115

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